Disclaimer: The views in this blog are only mine, so don't be mad at Nina.
This is Chapter 1-A record of many months of agony while Trump was president.
PLEASE! Vote this Beast out of office.
Complete Page Directory-Just Click Below
-Trump-W.T.H.?- 10.30.20 -Trump and COVID-19-10.26.20 -Election Horror -Disgusting!-Trump & QAnon & Proud Boys-10.17.20 -Russia Owns Trump-09.17.20 -The Economy is Failing-09.13.20 -We Blew It -Immigration-08.12.20 -Lies About Obama -Better People than Trump -Nasty People -10.04.20 -The Wall-09.09.20 -Racist Trump-10.17.20 -Trump vs. The Environment-08.17.20 -Wake Up America -Iran -Pick Your Adjective |
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(If you have already drunk the Trump Kool-Aid, don't waste your time here.)
The purpose of this blog is to document the trail of lies and deception perpetrated by the worst president we will ever have-It's important to have this history, so that we do not forget! ............and, he cheats at golf! Who does that? Description of Trump: (1) vainglory, or pride, (2) greed, or covetousness, (3) lust, or inordinate or illicit sexual desire, (4) envy, (5) gluttony, (6) wrath, or anger, and (7) sloth...........Wow, all seven of them! Hmmmmm-someone saw him coming a long time ago. How Many People Has This Murderous President Infected? Please come true: Trump: If Biden wins, 'maybe I'll have to leave the country' |
Daily News
(These accounts are kept here on a rolling seven day schedule and then transferred to the appropriate page for archiving.) |
Above is a Biden Tweet From October 2019 10.29.20-The Truth About the GDP Growth Record-breaking GDP growth leaves U.S. economy in the same place as the height of the Great Recession. America just posted its biggest annualized and single-quarter GDP growth of all time. It isn't that impressive. The U.S. GDP jumped at a 33.1 percent annualized rate in the third quarter, a growth of 7.4 percent from Q2, Commerce Department records released Thursday reveal. But as Gregory Daco, the chief U.S. economist at Oxford Economics, put it in a tweet, that growth is both "record-breaking and meaningless at the same time." It's true that the 7.4 percent GDP rise from Q2 to Q3 is a record. But it also comes after a record contraction from Q1 to Q2, and a total loss of 10.3 percent throughout 2020, so it doesn't even come close to making up what was lost amid the pandemic. In fact, the 3.5 percent total GDP shrinkage during 2020 "means we are still down almost as much as we were during the height of the Great Recession," tweets Diane Swonk, chief economist at Grant Thornton. 0.13.20-The Real Unemployment Story A person who is looking for a full-time job that pays a living wage — but who can't find one — is unemployed. If you accept that definition, the true unemployment rate in the U.S. is a stunning 26.1%, according to a new dataset shared exclusively with Felix Salmon for "Axios on HBO."
Side Note: The 50 Richest Americans Are Worth as Much as the Poorest 165 Million 10.05.20-Constitutionalist Originalists, like Amy Barrett, are out of touch. The Constitution was written almost 250 years ago by slave owners who had no concept of today's reality. 10.13.20-When she is confirmed, kiss these goodbye: --Abortion rights --Obama Care --Same-sex marriage rights --Government regulation of carbon dioxide emissions --Legal precedent |
10.28.20-Click to see my Election Horror Page
10.24.20-Click-Rounding the Coronus Corner-NOT! 10.24.20-Click-The White Supremacist And Extremist Donors To Trump’s 2020 Campaign 10.24.20-Click-The Trump era, so far, in 10 drawings and fewer than 200 words. 10.21.20-As if we really needed another list of reasons to not vote for Trump, here is one. 10.19.20-Desperation-Trump is turning on his own people. And them on him! 10.17.20-The New York Times went scorched earth in a scathing editorial Friday, calling Trump — with his “rampant corruption, celebrations of violence, gross negligence with the public’s health” and incompetence — the “worst American president in modern history.” Click Below For Good Stuff 10.12.20-Click-Track Trump's Broken Promises 10.01.20-Click to learn why liberals cannot understand why people support Trump 09.19.20-Krazy Kushner-Click here 08.31.20-Listen to Trump being diagnosed as a pathologically, malignant, deep narcissist. 08.30.20- The five dumbest Republican arguments for Trump 08.20.20- Read a firsthand account about what is happening in Portland. One person's opinion. Lincoln Project Web Site 08.18.20-Republicans for Biden 08.04.20-See the Axios Trump Interview and then say WTH? 08.04.20-Check Out This Netflix Series-www.netflix.com/title/80994107 If you support Trump, here is what you believe (copyright George Conway) For those who claim to be constitutional conservatives, and support Trump, click on this to see what you are supporting. 07.13.20-Click-The Washington Post Data Base of 20,000 Trump lies and misleading statements. 07.10.20-Click to see Rachael Maddow recap Trump's scandals. (sorry about the ad) Trump vs. the United States of America (copyright The New York Times) Why Trump is unfit for office (copyright The Atlantic) The Trump economic record vs. his campaign promises. Fact Check of Promises Made (copyright The Washington Post) Ben and Jerry's Statement About White Supremacy Check out Sarah Cooper for funny Trump lip-sync videos Wow-Read this for a controversial view-(copyright The Week) YOU MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO |
Let's face the facts. The Democrats have had a relief proposal for months, which the Republicans ignored. The, at the last minute the Republicans announce their proposal. Then the Democrats agreed to reduce the $600 payment to $400 and the Republicans stick with their $200. Who is the bad guy here?
06.26.20-Regarding Anitfa-Not a single confirmed case has emerged in which someone who self-identifies as “antifa” led violent acts at the protests. Trump administration officials say they have evidence, but they clammed up when asked to see it, and the intelligence reports and other records indicate the opposite.
This is my opinion section-all the rest in this blog can be verified
Our flawed Constitution has allowed this monster to assume the role of a dictator. If he is re-elected, kiss democracy goodbye!
I was asked by someone if I can separate the man from his policies. My answer is NO. So many of Trump's policies result from his horrible view of people and the world. They are inextricably linked.
And, shouldn't you respect the president?-I say you can respect the office, but the person occupying it has to earn respect.
Trump is impeached forever!-His destination: The trash heap of history
His two defining character traits are ignorance and arrogance, a lethal combination. That, plus being a pathological liar.
Not my president-lost by three million votes!
The White House asylum is being run by the inmates, headed by the chief lunatic!
Too bad there isn’t a vaccine for serial liars
Why are most of the books criticizing Trump written by Republicans?
I would rather tear down Mount Rushmore than add Trump.
06.26.20-Regarding Anitfa-Not a single confirmed case has emerged in which someone who self-identifies as “antifa” led violent acts at the protests. Trump administration officials say they have evidence, but they clammed up when asked to see it, and the intelligence reports and other records indicate the opposite.
This is my opinion section-all the rest in this blog can be verified
Our flawed Constitution has allowed this monster to assume the role of a dictator. If he is re-elected, kiss democracy goodbye!
I was asked by someone if I can separate the man from his policies. My answer is NO. So many of Trump's policies result from his horrible view of people and the world. They are inextricably linked.
And, shouldn't you respect the president?-I say you can respect the office, but the person occupying it has to earn respect.
Trump is impeached forever!-His destination: The trash heap of history
His two defining character traits are ignorance and arrogance, a lethal combination. That, plus being a pathological liar.
Not my president-lost by three million votes!
The White House asylum is being run by the inmates, headed by the chief lunatic!
Too bad there isn’t a vaccine for serial liars
Why are most of the books criticizing Trump written by Republicans?
I would rather tear down Mount Rushmore than add Trump.
08.08.20-From Axios:
Under Trump, intelligence officials have been placed in the unusual position of being pressured to justify the importance of their work, protect their colleagues from political retribution and demonstrate fealty to a president. Though intelligence officials have been loath to admit it publicly, the cumulative result has been devastating. ...
Trump has reordered their world and their work. As one of them told me: "The problem is that when you’ve been treated the way the intelligence community has, they become afraid of their own shadow. The most dangerous thing now is the churn — the not knowing who’s going to be fired, and what it is you might say that could cost you your job. It’s trying to put out something and not get creamed for it."
08.05.20-From The Week:
Trump, the head of the Republican Party, is a corrupt and malicious imbecile. Republicans in Congress are a mix of Trump enablers, obstructionist-demagogues out to maximize the wealth of their donors, know-nothing conspiracist loons, and a few reformers experimenting with the most politically palatable way to blend nationalism with socialism. All of them are primarily motivated by the drive toward self-promotion within the right-wing media complex. And when we move further down the Republican hierarchy to the state and local level, things only get worse.
08.04.20-From the New Republic:
The most jarring thing about Donald Trump is that he is president. Nearly every press conference, public event, and interview is awash with contradictions. On the one hand, there is the man in the office: grotesque, incoherent, malicious, dumb. On the other, there are the rituals and aesthetic trappings that have grown around the office of the presidency itself, which all communicate its awesome power and solemnity. A lot of media coverage gets lost in these contradictions, as if reporters and camera operators can’t quite believe what they’re seeing: How do you capture—let alone hold to account—someone so ridiculous?
Under Trump, intelligence officials have been placed in the unusual position of being pressured to justify the importance of their work, protect their colleagues from political retribution and demonstrate fealty to a president. Though intelligence officials have been loath to admit it publicly, the cumulative result has been devastating. ...
Trump has reordered their world and their work. As one of them told me: "The problem is that when you’ve been treated the way the intelligence community has, they become afraid of their own shadow. The most dangerous thing now is the churn — the not knowing who’s going to be fired, and what it is you might say that could cost you your job. It’s trying to put out something and not get creamed for it."
08.05.20-From The Week:
Trump, the head of the Republican Party, is a corrupt and malicious imbecile. Republicans in Congress are a mix of Trump enablers, obstructionist-demagogues out to maximize the wealth of their donors, know-nothing conspiracist loons, and a few reformers experimenting with the most politically palatable way to blend nationalism with socialism. All of them are primarily motivated by the drive toward self-promotion within the right-wing media complex. And when we move further down the Republican hierarchy to the state and local level, things only get worse.
08.04.20-From the New Republic:
The most jarring thing about Donald Trump is that he is president. Nearly every press conference, public event, and interview is awash with contradictions. On the one hand, there is the man in the office: grotesque, incoherent, malicious, dumb. On the other, there are the rituals and aesthetic trappings that have grown around the office of the presidency itself, which all communicate its awesome power and solemnity. A lot of media coverage gets lost in these contradictions, as if reporters and camera operators can’t quite believe what they’re seeing: How do you capture—let alone hold to account—someone so ridiculous?
This is what leadership looks like!
This is what leadership does not look like!
I wonder when we will find out what Putin has on Trump?